
发布时间:2020-12-24 10:40:52

i looked a book in the summer holiday。the book called <>。
this book tell about a poor and ugly peaple。no one like him,eveeryone all mock him。because,he is very ugly。there are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body。the right hand is like a marls foot。but the left hand is beautiful!a people close him in a cage。and show him。until one day,a doctor looked him。he feel the elephant man very interested。and want to study him。so the elephant man famous,everyone want to visit him,even the queen of england visit him。in the three and half years,he is very happy。on april 15th night,he died。
after i read the book ,i knock a reason:augly people,but his soul doesn't ugly。he will very happy。
first,the elephant man is very poor,he lives a cold and dark room。after the doctor see him。he became happy。because,he is simple,not bad。people little by little notice him。i think,the world has a lot of people like the elephant man ---- poor and ugly。but also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help others。so,i think the world will very beautiful!and the elephant man people will very happy!mayle,they will became a
usefut people。so,the world have a word: you can't judge a book by it's cover。

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