
作者:梧桐  发布时间:2014-10-30 19:25:19


unit 3:look at my nose

lesson 16

  1. Teaching aims

    1. Knowledge aims:通过两学生校门口见面时相互问候的情景,让学生们认真观察了解人物的身体状况,学习表示身体不适时用的not very well.同时熟悉相应的呼应语:oh, sorry.

    2.ablity aims through study (neck, arm, hand),let everybody to say these words and use them in life.

    3.moral education: educate the pupils to get on well with others and to be friendly to others.

  2. Teaching aids

    1. 本课所需的图、词卡片。

    2. 一些医用包扎带,纱布等。

    3. 头饰和人名胸卡。

    4. 录音机。

  3. Teaching method

     Acting speaking and practicing.

  4. Procedures design.

    Step 1.begin the class and greetings.

    Step 2. warm-up

  1. let everybody to listen to the recorder and sing a song:

    hello! How are you?(师生共同表演,此环节可以轻松愉快地把学生带入英语的氛围)


    Step 3 Teaching the knowledge

  1. At first the teacher let everybody to use Touch your ……”to do exercises in pairs . (此环节提高学生们的口语表达能力)

    Then through “Touch your ……” to study “neck” The teacher point to the neck, then take out a card about “neck” and let the pupils to say.

    接着让学生们进行*行:“neck” “Touch your neck” (one by one in pairs)

    Let everybody do exercises in front of the blackboard .

    Aording this method, the teacher take the pupils to study (arm, hand). (教师随时取出相应的卡片)


    2the teacher do some action. For  example: “点头、摆手等。

    Let everybody to do the sale action .At last the pupils can do exercisers in pairs. One is say, the other is do.


    3The teacher suppose her arm was hurt. Then she e to the pupils. Then the teacher say: I have hurt my arm. Then she point to the arm: look at my arm. 随后让学生模仿说: oh , sorry. (教师形象、逼真的表演可以集中同学们的注意力,使他们好奇地探究:教师究竟哪里受伤了)

    At last the pupils do exercises in pairs.(培养学生们的模仿和表演能力)

    教师接着伴着头痛,牙痛等状,同时徭着头,摆动自已的手。用句了“Not very well” to answer: “How are you?”(教师用事先准备好的医用包扎带,纱布等让学生们上前进行表演,运用包扎带,纱布等可以利于同学们形象地表演,使他们感受到自已真的受伤了,同时在此环节渗透友好的人际交往)
