
发布时间:2020-12-21 08:32:15



what you don't know about marriage

in this funny, casual talk from tedx, writer jenna mccarthy shares surprising research on how marriages (especially happy marriages) really work。in my opinion, marriage is more than just a ring on your finger ,it`s a bond between two people that should grow over time and add value to your life。

is marriage indispensable to persons of the right age?after watching the speech,my answer is absolutely yes。 responsibilities always comes with rights during marriage in which,i think,the benefit play a dominant role。 marriage is an intimate and enduring relationship that grows over time and makes you a better person。 also,marriage is linked to health and economic benefits。 according to the video,married individuals tend to have better physicalhealth, psychological well-being, and a lower mortality risk。 financially, married men tend to earnmore, and married women are less likely to fall into poverty。 marriage is also linked to greater wealth accumulation。

marriage is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively

lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by divorce。we may wander how to maintain a happy marriage?the speech given some answers to some degree。fist of all, you should clear why marriage matters to you and why you are wiling to spend the rest of your life making the relationship a priority。what`

more,the central point of the suggestions given by jenna mccarthy,eg。 keeping yourself more attractive and thinner than your husband, focusing on the positives/praise-worthy moments ,is cherish, giving and respect。also,divorce is contagious contagious。 so we have to be intentional to place ourselves in the company of those who are striving to make marriage better。

building a strong and intimate marriage starts from within yourself, and then becomes a bond between you and your partner that lasts a lifetime。to conclude,i agree highly with the speaker`s

viewpoint: whether you're in it or you're searching for it, marriage is an institution worth pursuing and protecting。


my view on later marriage

when it comes to later marriage, people`s opinions vary

enormously。 we know that as a graduate student, later marriage would be a problem for us after we graduated, especially girls。

our attitude towards later marriage becomes gradually rational

and mature。 we know that love is not just holding hands and walking down the street, marriage is how love can make people become altruistic。 from my perspective, it is immaturity that leads to this phenomenon。 firstly young adults are not financially prepared to hasten into marriage。 the economic burden will likely put a strain onto the couple's relationship, leading possibly to breaches, or worse, separation。 secondly young adults have not attained the level of maturity to raise children。 they are often unaware of the responsibilities and sacrifices that one needs to make in order to start a family of one's own。 thirdly statistics are good indicators for the instability and short life spans of premature marriages。 only only in this way can we embrace a happy and brilliant future。

cui jing








妻从一所北方的师范学 院毕业,并分配到一家不错的事业单位工

作。而我则是从南方的长江边漂泊似地来到北方,举目无亲。工作虽然是国有企业,但没过几年,企业改制时,一个大型企 业几乎在一夜之间便散了架,由此产生的工作问题一直困扰了我许多年。但妻没有嫌弃我,而是不断地鼓励我,让我一次次地振作起来。记得有一次,我从一家公司 的财务经理位子上退出来的时候,我不但成了公司里*斗争的牺牲品,受到极不公正的待遇,而且还为一些善后处理费尽了心力,几乎到了崩溃的边缘,然而妻非 但不离我而去或抱怨不止,而是显出她的智慧,助我走出了困境,让我重新站了起来。但我知道,妻在那段日子里,显是忧郁了许多,比以前也老了一些,青丝里平 添了许多白发。我与妻的认识,是经人介绍的,但似乎也是前生的注定。一个南方的漂泊者,一个北方的天之骄子,真可谓相去甚远,然而却是千万里的相会。那是在一个北方 来去匆匆的春天里,随着气温的回升,街道两旁的梧桐树,早已绽放出绿叶,而郊区的油菜花更是开得一片金黄,麦苗儿长得更高了,暧风吹过,翻起阵阵绿波。为 了与未来的她见面,我特意修饰了一番,胡子刮得干干净净,穿了一件当时我最好的一套西装。那天上午九点多,我在一家茶馆里焦急而忐忑不安地等待着,到 十点钟的时候,我的介绍人——一个好心的同事,终于带领着她们母女俩来到约会的地方,一番热情后,同事笑嘻嘻地走了。而她,一位娇小玲珑的女孩,下身穿了 一件细格子的裤子,大方得体,脸上戴着一幅漂亮的眼镜,显得十分地文雅可人。当她的母亲问了

我的一些简单的情况时,我观察到她微则着头,清秀的面庞,一头 乌黑的短发,尤显出温柔而赋青春的活力,那一刻,我不禁怦然心动,她不正是我的那位吗-——自然,后来她便成了我的妻子。只是在当时,我还不知道她对我印 象如何呢,在见面结束,我送她们母女俩走时,我轻声地问到:我还能见你吗,她始终微笑着,没有同意,但也没有反对。多年后,我提及此事时,妻却戏谑 道:你真傻。两年后,我们结婚了。但婚礼只是在近郊的一所租居的民房里,条件虽然简陋,但妻把我们的新家打扮得漂(本文来自:bdfqy 千叶帆文摘:有关婚姻的作文开头)漂亮亮。新婚燕尔,我们常常漫步于郊区的田野,坐 看明月倾洒的清辉,听蛙声阵阵,闻稻田飘香。到了次年的年初,一个雪花飘舞的夜晚,我们的儿子来到了人间。然而生活总是残酷的,由于我工作繁忙而*不 高,以致于家庭开支每捉襟见肘,家里全由妻子一人*持,她的心情变得糟糕起来,争吵也多了起来。有一次我甚至动了粗,可怜的妻子只好背着我流泪,那一刻, 我的心被深深的刺痛了。作为男人,纵使女人一千一万个不对,但粗暴的对待,实不配做男人的呵。但自那以后,十几年来常引以宽慰的是,我从没有对妻有半点粗 暴了,对她的唠叨,对她偶尔的河东狮吼,我渐渐的以平静待之,甚至还变得习惯——大凡有过类似经历的人都知晓,那份唠叨,是一个女人对自己男人的爱的 再现,而男人们一旦习惯于此,一天听不到妻的唠叨仿佛少了点什么呢。如今,儿子已经上了大

学,我也在早些年,为了生计来到外地工作,不过离家不远。然而,毕竟每天不能见到妻子,想家的时候,恨不能立即回到妻的身边,把她拥入我不太宽厚的怀中,任相思的泪水把我们脸庞洗净(((二十年的婚姻,我们平平淡淡,但我们努力耕耘,相信在将来的日子里,会愈见美好。我一直有个企盼,那就是让妻子今后过上更好的日子,待我们到银婚、金 婚的时候,我们可以骄傲地说实现了愿望。其实,婚姻如一台天平,一头是你,一头是她,只要保持适当的平衡,那么就不会失去重心,心灵就会得到安逸;婚姻也 似一根红绳系着的两颗心,一颗是你的,一颗是她的,只要时时为对方着想,始终保持着牵挂和惦念,则两颗心就愈来愈近,直到地老天荒。是的,如果说二十年的婚姻是一件瓷器,那


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