汤姆索亚历险记 感想

发布时间:2020-12-21 01:52:14

mark twain (mark twain,1835-1910) is the second half of the 19th century united states critical realism of important writers, life works and very profitable。 he is good at practical discourse of humor and satire, hitting, showing no mercy。 their creative lyric harmoniously unified in the characterization of realism and romanticism, content rich, unique art style, then united states literature has had a profound influence, was recognized as the united states a major milestone for literature。

it is this tom sawyer the adventures of mark twain, one of four classic pearl。 i have feeling of curiosity and the desire to learn, and have opened the adventures of the tom sawyer, thinking somehow i read several times。 sure enough, not what i expected, this book is very nice。

description of the tom sawyer the adventures of the 19th century in a small town in people's lives-sur-mixixi, can be said that the united states a microcosm of social life。 little hero of the book tom sawyer is a growing child, he was naughty, like prank; but kind and cute and helpful。 he hates the church teachers dry preaching, tasteless he doesn't like all day at the school of life, who aspire to become the bushranger, he wished to join the pirate, exciting life。 one day, he invited good friends huck to cemeteries play at night, seen ie tragedy of murder, sin, as ideological struggle came to ie。 ie tries to kill, tom result die from falling into a deep valley。 tom and huck's river was found buried in a box of gold, the two split, have become millionaires。

article written by a description of a scene of good, the article is written as:

hero tom sawyer, mischievous and lovely。 however, tom has an old tube with his aunt polly。 tom sawyer's parents died in his early years, aunt foster care in the home, in my aunt's eyes, he was a general of trick or treat, so aunt polly his old tube。 tom sawyer rigid strictly for home life and school tired enough boring lessons, so they run away from home, and smaller partners in the adventures of huckleberry finn, feienbeiqi, to take risks。 doesn't tell schools what they go or did not tell their parents。 just like disappear, no one knows their way forward。 oh, this i am not agree with you。 tom sawyer how to make this organization thing? even out, parents also have to tell the teacher say about it! if i, if i run away from home, not teachers and parents say that, i would at least say and intimate partners。 second, tom sawyer face school and family of pressure, no positive of to protest, but select has escape this things, he this behavior is is is shameful。 i is against tom sawyer of this behavior, i think this behavior does not should in we body occurs, we being student, being motherland of next-generation, being motherland future of pillars of, does not should

fear difficulties, like a drop-head turtle as, drop-head shrink tail, this behavior absolute does not allows。

however, i went to look at, only to find tom sawyer this guy is a lofty ideal。 after he vowed to be a great soldier, not to settle, but little more scenic, to join the ranks of indians, cow catcher on the prairies and in the western mountains and very engaged in the war, when you go back into a colorful feathers in head, was painted with scary colors big chiefs sth

in fact, every child was a child, both have their own ideals。 my ideals and tom sawyer not the same, i don't want to be a great soldier, i wanted to be an air hostess。 flight attendant suit, soar freely in the country of blue skies。 well, from now on will have to study hard, get into a good university to complete my dream。

the more i look back, the more i was barking up the tom sawyer。 from the cave adventure in this little story, i found that tom sawyer is not a

grotto was gathered in droves on bats, each group has thousands of tens。 lights, and thousands of bats fly down and screaming to the caught him with surprise。 tom sawyer to know that their habits and hazards, he took the bach drilling to the nearest one channel。 this trick done really well, and it came out as bach in his hand, happens to be a bat to put out the candles。 the bat at a distance of two out of the way。 two fugitives whenever you see a channel to drill, and finally get rid of the danger, they left behind。

they got into a promenade, quietly walking distance walked a new export to see is not the same as just came in。 however, the result is not satisfactory, no new export and is the same as of the moment, they come in。 failed again and again is tom sawyer hope begin to fade, then he simply see exit drill, desperately want to find out that at the time of export, but simply could not be found。 bach bursting into tears, tom sawyer will do my best to comfort her, but also not。 two children are cutting small eyes stared out the candles, and watched it with 1。1 points, also called off, finally only got it half an inch long candle wick upright on its own, the dim light of a candle high low along the long plume of crawling, climbing to the top lingered for a moment, then---all the terror of darkness in the fullest sense。

after some time, bach and tom sawyer hungry。 tom sawyer from inside the bag and took out a little cake, they think i want to eat。 however, if you eat it, later date is not something to eat, in particular, they hope that this small bit of cake bucket so much。 tom sawyer getting separate cakes, fetch prima taste good to eat, and tom sawyer themselves little by little to the taste of his own。 finally, they also had a full pass cold water, an end to this

a few days later, tom sawyer and huckleberry finn fetch prima met an indian。 tom sawyer used to think that they were saved, but the truth is not the case, the indians are not a good man, is a bad man。 thanks to tom sawyer and huckleberry finn bach slipped quickly, otherwise to be feathered in this header to kill indians came off。 over time, they feel the hunger, suffering hunger and tormented them together。 with a pocket of the kite out exploring tom sawyer, every little while come back and fetch prima said。 he was holding a kite, hands and in a way inside to crawl forward。 it seems this approach feasible, a few days later, trapped by tom sawyer and huckleberry finn bach succeeded in a hole。

see here, i am quite impressed。 tom sawyer adventure courageous spirit shown by species, as well as they are under the threat of terror and death, did not retreat, special tom sawyer showed that no journal of human nature and high purity of friendship with bach, has deeply affected me,

i thought: if i run into this dilemma as well as tom sawyer, i should go forward,

as well as tom sawyer, is not as hard, never say failure! to be honest, after reading this novel, i particularly admire tom sawyer。 the reason is simple: tom sawyer in such a dangerous environment, calm and brave, not cowardice disappointed。 this is the reason why i admire him tom。

after reading this novel, i harvested very profitable。 the most important point that i really understand

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